Error in creating a resource adaptor if it was deleted.
If you are creating a resource adaptor which you have already deleted due to wrong name or configuration and you are trying again , you may face below error :-
There was an error processing one or more values entered on this page.
1. Resource Provider Name - There is already a resource provider with the name "OJMS". Please choose a different name.
Solution :-
Go to OC4J Container and edit the applications.xml file and physically delete the OJMS entry from the file and restart the container , issue will be resolved.
There was an error processing one or more values entered on this page.
1. Resource Provider Name - There is already a resource provider with the name "OJMS". Please choose a different name.
Solution :-
Go to OC4J Container and edit the applications.xml file and physically delete the OJMS entry from the file and restart the container , issue will be resolved.