How to Deploy BPEL process using ANT Script on UNIX server.
1) Set ANT_HOME, BPEL_HOME,ORACLE_HOME 2) Copy BPEL Artifacts to the location of app server 3) Edit in ($BPEL_HOME/utilities) and provide the domainname under which deployment has to be made and the revision no. (BPEL control revision no.) Change domain = domainname rev = Note : Make sure that there is no space after domainname and rev(revision no.) 4) Go to Copied BPEL Folder and to the sub-directory where the “build.xml” is present. 5) Execute ant $ant deployProcess: [echo] [echo] -------------------------------------------------------------- [echo] Deploying bpel process Xyz on hostname, port 7777 [echo] -------------------------------------------------------------- [echo] [deployProcess] Deploying process /u03/app/BPEL/Xyz/output/bpel_Xyz_0.12.6.0.jar [deployProcess] Successfully deployed the process "Xyz" on server "hostname" and port "7777" deployTaskForm: [echo] [echo] ----------------...