General Inerview Questions involving Database/SOA Suite/Release Management/SR/GRID/BI

These are the general interview questions which i framed in 5 minutes can be really helpful for the guys having intermediate experience as a DBA/Administrator in IT Field . Here we go :-

1. What are the common prerequisites of installing 10g Re2 database on HP-UX11.23 or any other OS?

2. What do mean by oraInventory and oratab? Their significance?

3. How can you copy a file recursively on UNIX prompt? How to see directory structure in HP-UX?

4. What is the purpose of netstat, touch, finger, whoami, man commands?

5. What are the severity levels of an SR?

6. What do you mean by hard close and soft close of an SR?

7. What do you mean by SR Profile?

8. What is the purpose of RDA?

9. What do you mean by software configuration manager and its purpose?

10. How can you escalate an SR to Oracle Management?

Or raising a severity level?

11. What is the standard path or the naming convention used to install database software as per OFA?

12. What is It’s functioning.

13. What do you mean by inline query and its purpose?

14. How can you make a DML SQL statement committed in the database? What is the syntax for UPDATE statement?

15. What is expdp and impdp? Its syntax.

16. Can you import/export whole database? If yes, how. Also give syntax for tablespace import/export.

17. How can you take tablespace offline? What are its impacts?

18. Is online backup consistent? What is the difference between online backup, hot backup and cold backup?

19. What is the purpose of GRID Control Agents?

20. Do we have to install Grid Agents to workstations or only to the server?

21. How can you configure Grid on HP-UX Server?

22. Name some default Grid configurational items?

23. What can you monitor through GRID Control?

24. How do you navigate to view the CPU/Memory Graphs and their patterns?

25. Explain GRID Control components?

26. How can you publish AWR report?

27. What do you mean by MRF and HOTFIX?

28. What are the entry criteria of a release to UAT?

29. How to co-ordinate between various IT teams or SDLC lifecycle.

30. How to set down the priority of a release? And Emergency change process to production?

31. How to maintain SVN and how to provide read access to it.

32. What do you mean by TP and what are its components?

33. What do mean by SLA?

34. What are the areas to look when the incident gets reported?

35. What is the approval process in HP Open View?

36. What are the mandatory artifacts required to raise a CR?

37. What are the database tools to see issues?

38. How can we prepare a SQL Script which doesn’t perform Full Table Scan?

39. What are the reporting points and immediate action items?

40. What do mean by CAB? Its importance.

41. At what time, it is always proposed to take MRF to production and why?

42. Who are the audience of BI reports in general?

43. What is the Oracle product for Business Intelligence? Explain its version and platform compatibility

44. How can you make your BI Report effective

45. What are the tools available to create BO Report?

46. What are the daily activities of monitoring Database and SOA Suite?

47. What do you mean by OID and its significance?

48. How can you create a read only user in BPELConsole?

49. What is OWSM and ESB in SOA Suite?

50. What are the start/stop commands of an oracle application server and the default log locations path?


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