Anonymous user got deleted or missing

OC4J denotes the anonymous user as the OC4J user when an application is initiated that does not have an authenticated user. The anonymous user may also be used during EJB RMI access

Below error will come :-

This load was initiated at hw_services.root:0.0.0 using the Class.forName() method.

The missing class is available from the following locations:

1. Code-Source: $OH/bpel/system/services/lib/bpm-services.jar (from in $OH/SOA/j2ee/oc4j_soa/config/server.xml)
This code-source is available in loader oracle.bpel.common:10.1.3. This shared-library can be imported by the "hw_services" application.

1) Check hw_services sub-application up and running in orabpel appliation in em console
2) check anonymous user exist in jazn of BPEL container
3) if not, create with any password.
4) start the container


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