To delete/undeploy multiple BPEL processes from BPELConsole (
There was some performance issue in Development server due to thousands of unused/junk BPEL processes deployed within the container , but I couldn’t able to delete all at once as there was no option and if deleting one by one could take many hours to perform this , then I found a solution over the net which changes little code of some JSPs of the product ( Although not change in the product code not supported by Oracle). Here is the process to do the same which saved huge amount of hours and work :- Note :- Replace all "*" with "<" and "#" with ">" 1) Take a backup of the files; bulkUpdateProcess.jsp and doBulkUpdateProcess.jsp. The path is :- $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/oc4j_soa/applications/orabpel/console 2) Add the below code in the the file bulkUpdateProcess.jsp. (Add the code after the label: *label for="processStateOff"# *%= I18nUtil.getString("off", locale)%# */label#) Code to be added :- ---- *p# *...